My watch:


            A wind-up Timex (for my 25th birthday)





            Patchouli or Adidas



Something important I have on my desk:


            M y laptop when it's not travelling



What I have on my wall:


Colored-in felt posters, MUNI maps, calendar, R.E.M. poster, "Ithaca, NY" T-shirt, U.S. Grades of Feeder Steers poster, speakers, nicotone



What I am hiding:


            Muscle magazines, old shoes, pictures



What's on my nighttable:


Candles, three small stuffed animals, a small cupboard with two pictures, TV remote, cell-phone charger, house phone



What I wear when sleeping:


            Cold nights: T-shirt and boxers/Warm nights: Nothing



Things I like to buy:


            CDs, books, practicalities



If only I could I buy it:


            An IPod



I collect:





What I don't have much of:


            Sports-related material



My strangest possession:


My lamp with the sky blue snakeskin and blue feather shade



My most expensive possession:


            As a whole, my CD collection



My most prized:


            (see above)



In my opinion, material possessions are:


A luxury and privilege driven by the country's collective faith in pieces of green paper



Three things I would rescue in a disaster:


            My cat, my laptop, and my bookbag




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