³The Poem in the Casket²

October 9, 2000


When glory stands with end of life,

The need to leave is far from strife.

The eyes will close just one more time.

The need to rest will seem divine.

Your pace is peaceful, free from pain.

The need to breath harsh air has waned.

We stand alone, but with each other

With need to free our loving mother.

Weıll surely cry and taste our tears,

The need to be with you is here,

But where you rest is where you stay

With love thatıs passed to us today.

You leave behind a mark thatıs deep

With love that carries you to sleep.

You sleep so peacefully, I know.

Your love did shine. Your love did grow.

Be anywhere you wish to be,

For God allowed us all to see

A spirit freed, a soul for sure,

A God allowing pain no more.